Hellman's (as in Hellman's Mayonnaise) has partnered up with this guy...

When you visit the Hellman's Real Holiday Helpings site you'll find easy recipe ideas for everything from turkey, leftovers, main dishes, appetizers & dips, sides, and my favorite - DESSERTS.
So, no need to stress about your holiday menu. Seriously - this site has all the bases covered. And the recipes are made with ingredients that normal people actually EAT, so you don't have to worry about tracking down some obscure spice or something you've never heard of.
While you're there, you can download a coupon for Hellman's mayo (because the recipes on the site are made with Hellman's - duh). You'll also be able to enter to win free groceries for a year, and you can waste away your day playing a matching game while you try to win a $50 grocery gift card.
Now, we all know I've scaled back on the giveaways in order to make sure I'm only giving away stuff that I get really excited about, and that I think you'll love, too. I am so excited about this because - hello?! - who doesn't need some extra cash flow right now?
Not only did Hellman's send me a $25 American Express Gift card as part of the Hellman's Real Holiday Helpings program, but they're giving one away to one of YOU, too!
Woo hoo! So...you can use it for turkey, stuffing, cranberries, cookie mix, frosting, chocolate, or for whatever your little heart desires.
You all know that we've been doing our best to cut back on things and save money in as many ways as we can think of, and I am sure most of you are doing the same thing.
So, I'm super excited that one of you will be getting $25 this holiday season. Can I get a "What, WHAT?!?!?"
How can you win?
Leave a comment (please include your email address so I can get your info if you win) telling me what your favorite holiday food is. Good luck!
Contest runs until Sunday, December 13th so you can get your moolah in time for Christmas.
A BIG thank-you to MomSelect and Hellman's for sponsoring this awesome giveaway.
***This post is also a part of a Holiday How To blog carnival going on over at my dear friend Summer's blog - Le Musings of Moi. She's teamed up with a few other bloggers, too. So, head on over and get tips on everything from how to stay fit during the holidays to how to feel guilty about everything (you read that right).***

***This post is also a part of a Holiday How To blog carnival going on over at my dear friend Summer's blog - Le Musings of Moi. She's teamed up with a few other bloggers, too. So, head on over and get tips on everything from how to stay fit during the holidays to how to feel guilty about everything (you read that right).***

Love the blog as always. :) My favorite holiday food are my "famous" Sweet Potatoes. There's a recipe over at my blog here: http://reclaimingthehome.blogspot.com/2009/12/kristins-holiday-sweet-potatoes.html
Looking forward to seeing what everyone else's favorites are as well.
There are so many favorites, but I love sugar cookies w/ frosting.
favorite holiday food...hmmmm...that's a tough one. i'm going to have to go with my grandma's homemade mashed potatos and gravy. yum!
Oooh...favorite holiday food...the choices are endless!!
I think my very favorite thing is sugar cookies. You know, roll and cut with powdered sugar frosting. Yum!! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!!
Hello ... I could so use this. Though at the risk of disqualifying myself, I don't associate mayo with holiday foods. That being said, I'm all about the cut-out cookies with colored sugar on top. The thinner the better. I can literally eat 30 of them in a single sitting.
Holidays are so stressful & nothin' melts the stress away like free moolah! Love it!
My favorite holiday food is chocolate chip cookies! I like to make them with red and green chocolates in them :) Perfect of Santa... uhm, and me!
Just one favorite? Hmm, I love pumpkin pie. We have an old family recipe and we make it for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yum!
I think you have my e-mail already, but let me know if you need it.
My favorite Holiday food would definately be FUDGE!!! I love fudge but I can't ever seem to find a recipe that works. I love eating everyone else's!!!
Love love eggnog.
My favorite holiday food would have to be my grandmother's peanut brittle. She only makes it during the holidays. It's so good!
hotpants4979 at gmail dot com
Wow! Cool giveaway. Does it could if it's Best Foods here?
My favorite holiday food is sweet. All the sweets.
Oh, I don't know. I think that the pumpkin pie and whipped cream might be my favorite part of the holidays!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
My favorite are the day after leftover sandwiches. Can you say turkey, mayo, stuffing and cranberry sauce?! That's the only reason I actually make a turkey!
Mmmm...pumpkin pie for sure! Well, really pumpkin anything. It's a shame that pumpkin-y foods are only available for a few weeks a year, I love 'em!!!
Does whip cream count as food? Well, if not then Pumpkin Pie, Pecan pie (my boyfriend made some awesome pecan pie at Thanksgiving). Turkey, ham....oh I just love it all!!
Oh man, you're making me think about food?! lol, my favorite is ham because it is just too expensive to get any other time of the year. But oh, I love it!
They're not really "Christmas-y", but we always make peanut butter balls during the holidays... and they're my favorite! Yum!
Ooo favorite holiday food...such a hard one! I make this cranberry salad that I love, and I love Christmas cookies. We're spending our first Christmas on the other side of the country from our family, so I'm throwing a little party on the 23rd here for our new friends and the gift card would be SO useful, esp. b/c I now have to make gluten free goodies and that stuff is expensive!
I love my grandma's macaroni!
My favorite holiday food is chocolate chip cookies because my best memory with my grandmother is us baking those together for the family on christmas eve :)
my favorite holiday food is cheese fondue!
I love Christmas cookies of all kinds, especially sugar cookies, peanut butter balls, and gingerbread cookies. Another fave of mine is one of our Norweigian traditions...Lefsa. It is kind of a Norwegian "tortilla" made out of rolled and grilled mashed potatoes.
My favorite holiday food is the appitizers! Everything else you eat is always good as leftovers but the appitizers really are only good that day {to me} I love all the finger foods AND because they are small I am justified in eatting many!
My favorite holiday food is Jam Thumbprint Cookies!
mcbrady13 at hotmail dot com
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