To my dear Kaylee,
As your mother, there are so many things I'm responsible for teaching you. Look both ways before you cross the street. Don't cut in line. Be nice. Don't bite. Don't pinch. Don't throw a fit. Boys are disgusting. 2 + 2 = 4. Take your vitamins.
But, out of all the things I feel the need to teach you, I cannot even begin to describe the level of joy I felt when I realized I didn't need to teach you about how nothing else in the world matters when you've got a Christmas sugar cookie in your face. I feel like doing this very same thing with my own hands and opening my mouth as wide as it will go when I feast my eyes upon one of Grandma's sugar cookies, too. And I didn't even have to teach you. You figured it out all on your own. That's my girl, sweetie pie.
That's my girl.
Love, Mama

SUCH a cute pic! and YES BOYS are disgusting!
I am going to follow you now lol
Oh, I think you taugh her a lot. You taught her to have joy in a moment (even if it's messy) and that her mom can find joy in it too. I love that!
so cute. and i love the bottle of sprinkles tipped over and spilled all over! you're raising that kid right!
Aww, looks like she was having a great time!
Awwww....she loved that taste treat!
So sweet:-)
Some things are just instinct!
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