Thursday, February 5, 2009

Michael Phelps, the Michelle Duggar wannabe, and a few other things weighin' on my mind...

This week for Mama Kat's Thursday Writer's Workshop, I could have written a poem, told you about a talent I have, shared a lie I told, or - OR - I could choose to do one of my most favorite hobbies - write a list. The list must be made up of ten things that were on my mind this week. That shouldn't be a problem, since the wheels are always turning up in this noggin. So, let's get on with the list, shall we?


1. Michael Phelps. What the hell, Michael Phelps? You let someone take a picture of you smoking pot? Your a friggin' celebrity, dude. Have you not heard about Paris Hilton's little snafu? And now you're trying to pass this off as a youthful mistake? You used up your stupid youthful mistakes quota when you got your DUI at age 19. Knock it off, dude. Like you NEED something to give you more of the munchies - you already eat 80 bajillion calories a day and have zero percent body fat (for that I hate you, by the way). Quit being such a cotton-headed ninny muggins, you stupid fool.

2. The lady who had 8 babies at once. Ok, so at first I heard the story and I was all, "WOW. That's so amazing - the babies were all born healthy! What fantastic news - this is such a miracle." Yadda, yadda, yadda. Then I find out she already HAD 6 kids and now she's asking for $2 million before she'll give any interviews and such. Father of the babies - not involved, apparently. Two words, people: NUT CASE. Why are such stupid people allowed to keep having babies? She's on the fast track for the Michelle Duggar plan, I guess...

3. It's great to be done nursing, but I forgot about the fact that I no longer burn 500 - 1,000 calories a day for being a dairy cow. Dammit. My pants are starting to be too tight. Now I actually have to do workouts that make me sweat. Someone pass me a tissue, I'm about to cry...

4. I've been a little nervous that maybe Kaylee will start to walk soon. She is now pulling herself up to a standing position like it's nobody's business. And she crawls faster than her little legs can keep up with sometimes. I think it's only a matter of time until she discovers that there's an even faster way to move. Well, tonight I find out that my husband and his sister each walked at 9 months old. Now, what has become a nagging thought in the back of my mind for the past week has become a potential case of severe heartburn. For Pete's Sake, I'm still trying to child proof my house appropriately for a crawler. God help me, but I'm going to push the kid down (ever so gently) when she stands without support. I will do it. And you will not stop me.

5. What the FRICK is up with all these "tell us 25 things about yourself" facebook tags? Holy jeepers, people. I think I've received 875,326 requests to tell you 25 random things about myself. Everyone and their brother is doing this (well, except me, and my brother now that I think of it - I don't think he's done it...). And I'm not. So keep sending me your requests all you want, but I'm not doing it. Even if a teeny weeny part of myself wants to do it, just because...

6. I continue to think about my decision to stop breastfeeding Kaylee, and I continue to have more confidence that I made the right choice. At the same time, I was a little overwhelmed with all the comments that other women had in response to my post about being done. Holy crap, people. Every comment talked about a struggle with breast feeding in one way or the other. Never in one place have I read so many open and honest struggles with the issue. It has really got me thinking, and in fact - I've gotten a little upset that the issue of breastfeeding induces so much guilt among mothers. Guilt that they don't breastfeed. Guilt that they DID breastfeed, but not long enough. Guilt that they could breastfeed one child and not the other. Promoting breastfeeding is a great and all, but it's become a bit more clear to me that SOMEONE had better start sending out the message that if you don't breastfeed you're not a bad mother, and that if you don't have problems along the way, well then - guess what? You're in the frickin' MINORITY, people. *stepping off that soapbox*

7. I've had the chance to have a few consecutive days off of work, and I'm realizing that I'm beginning to feel more confident and comfortable in my role as a mother. I'm starting to loosen up a bit. I don't worry quite as much about if I'm doing things the right way. I'm having more FUN, and I'm not taking myself so seriously or being as hard on myself. Most of the time.

8. Money. This always seems to be on my mind these days. Whether it's trying to balance the checkbook, pay the bills, figure out new ways to save, clipping coupons, or worrying about not having enough days of work this month, it's always there - always in the back of my mind. Sometimes I wish that it weren't an issue - that it was not something that caused me stress. But, if I had so much money that I wasn't stressed out about money, I think I'd have a whole nother set of issues, and frankly - I think I'd rather worry about not having enough.

9. I've also been wishing that I had more time to catch up on all the shows I have DVR'd. I love that stinkin' machine - I just wish I wasn't so far behind on my shows. And I wish I had a pair of 3-D glasses so I could watch Chuck. It looks funny this week if you're not wearing 3-D glasses. Anyone know where I can get a pair?

10. Ok, so remember my post about cleaning my house all day while my mom watched Kaylee? I got my kitchen, living room and dining room all cleaned? Well, we're approaching 2 weeks of keeping those rooms clean, and I'm still scratching my head about how we're managing to pull it off. I guess it's not so bad when you can just maintain it on a daily basis. I kinda feel like giving myself a quick pat on the back. But then following that pat, I feel like giving myself a swift kick in the pants because I still have 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, an office, a car, and a garage that need cleaning, too. Ahhh, cleaning, shmeaning. Always on my mind...


Deb said...

i am with you on the facebook tag thing. i am kind of enjoying reading everyone's, but don't seem to have the motivation to do any of them myself.

Kati said...

Hey just popping in from mr linky. i really like your blog.. and your list.. more creative than mine.. haha!


Just a note on the octuplets....and the other six...they were all invitro. Can you believe it? How does one afford that. Plus her mom said she told her when she came home with the kids she would NOT be there. Sounds like she has had enough of the whacko daughter too. Oops. Didn't mean to give you a full blown news bulletin. I followed you from Mama's.


Anonymous said...

I love your list and could comment on all 10, but I want to comment about the breast feeding thing. I don't even have kids yet and that topic pisses me off. I think all of that should be a parent's choice and I too think that it is just awful that mother's feel bad for the decision they make for their children.

Cathy said...

Loved your list, and I totally agree with your comments about Michael Phelps and Michelle Duggar wannabe. Crazy folks!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a DVR but if I did I know it would back up just as much as my google reader and my inbox so I'm not even going to bother.

Honey Mommy said...

When I heard about the lady with the 8 babies I nearly passed out. When I found out she had 6 more at home I knew she must be crazy.

I have gotten that facebook thing a hundred times too and I'm not gonna do it either!

EdenSky said...

I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a great comment! Your list is great. I'm right there with you on most of this stuff, but at number 10 I fall short. My housr is never clean for more than 5 minutes and I have my doubts that it ever will be while my kids continue to live here.

Jenners said...

As always, your post was such a great mixture of humor, righteous anger, warmth, self-deprciation, and caring. That is what I love about you.

And...yeah...what is up with the 25 things Facebook tag? I keep getting it too ... and I'm like "Get a blog people! Or read my blog and you'll find out way more than 25 things about me."

And I just learned more about that octuplet lady too -- do you read Suburb Sanity? if not, check out this post on it:

Jennifer said...

I am in the same boat as you are with that #8 up there!! Tons of shows on the DVR and NO time to catch up!!!

Debbie said...


You just keep on writing. Have I told you lately how much you crack me up? And don't you dare push that little peanut down (lol).

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sera - I like your list. I like the way you ended #8. More money does mean a new set of issues. We've had extra money at certain times in our lives and we were not happier than we were with less money.

The most important thing is that the family is healthy and you're all happy. You, Dennis and Kaylee are a great example of a happy family. I think you have found the best days are just spending time together. You love Dennis and Kaylee so much. I can see it in your eyes when you look at them. Dennis is the best Dad ever. He is so patient and kind.

I know you are thankful for things like that and that's what really matters. You and "The Girls" are on the right track!

You say ahh, cleaning schmeaning. I say ahh, money, schmoney.

Sera said...

Hey my fantastic readers! I got home from work and got a pot of chili cooking on the stove (see, wearing an apron inspires me to cook, and that's why I need to win Mama Kat's giveaway so badly. I need an extra -or three or five - for when I get one dirty), and I'm just sitting down to check my computer stuff while it's simmering. Can I tell you how much it made my day to see all these nice comments? I love my readers. You rock. :) And you'll have to forgive me for not visiting each of your blogs. It's almost time to eat, and then HELLO - it's Thursday night TV, folks! And...I work the next 2 days, so I don't have a bunch of extra time.

Ruth said...

Awesome post! I couldn't agree more with everything you said. :) And I'm laughing at the mental picture of you pushing Kaylee down! Not a bad idea, you've got me thinking... :)

And seriously, the 25 facebook thing is out of control! I thought about doing it, but I only came up with 2 or 3 things. lol

SuperSaverMama said...

*sneaking in* I confess. I did the 25 things. I like to read them too. *sneaking back out*


Sera said...

Hey, lady! No need to sneak out. Didn't you catch the part about how a little part of me wants to do it, too? :) I love reading them, too. Can I tell you how happy I am that you are leaving me comments? I love it!

SuperSaverMama said...

Ha, love ya! I just had to slip in that confession. :)

Kelly said...

Michael you not know that EVERYONE your age has a camera/phone!! Hello...I am slightly older than you *cough* and I have one!!! Michael Dugger and that other lady are wacked out of their minds!!! I also have a love affair with my DVR/Tivo..
You know what I agree with your entire list...are we twins?!

CJ said...

Great post. The Michael Phelps thing was on my mind, too. With everyone (except me) having a camera phone, no one should be doing, in public, anything one doesn't want to be on the internet or in the newspaper ---especially if you are one of the most famous people on earth. What was he thinking? ---oops, I guess he wasn't.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic, adorable and funny post, you are so darn cute!!

namaste said...

Came over from Summer's blog roll. You have great posts! So, do you watch SNL? If so, have you ever seen the segment they do called "really"? It's very funny and your post reminded me of it... especially the michael phelps part... Look it up if you get a chance.

Sera said...

Yes! We got a huge kick out of the Michael Phelps "REALLY?!?!" segment this past Saturday. I looked for it on You Tube to post as a follow-up, but I couldn't find it. We love SNL.
