Now I let her do all sorts of things.
I let her shred toilet paper all over the house because it keeps her occupied and allows me to do very important things like pay the bills, clean the kitchen, and watch Grey's Anatomy.

I let her have tastes of sweet stuff like chocolate cake and sugary desserts.

I let her go out in public with food in her hair.

I let her lick rocks. Gross, I know. Whatever...I took it away after a couple minutes, okay?

I let her crawl around the house with dirty socks hanging out of her mouth.
I let her watch TV.
I let her play in traffic.
I let her put a pacifier back in her mouth after it's fallen on the floor (without washing it off - the horror!!!).
I let her chomp on jalapenos when her gums hurt from teething.
I let her go to bed without a bath some nights.
Because - ya know, some things just aren't worth getting all worked up over...
*This post is a part of Mama Kat's Thursday Writer's Workshop.
I dunno, that sock looks pretty clean to me. {*grin*}
(And she is a cutie!)
Ha! If you are letting her play in traffic now, just wait until she's a pre-teen! You'll be pushing her out there.
I love this post! I have a 1 year old and I let her do all the things you mentioned above. I let my other kids do them too when they were babies. I think that there is enough important stuff to enforce later in life (my other kids are all teenagers now), so let babies be babies. She's so cute - enjoy her.
I love this. It's funny how you have all these ideas about what you will and won't let them do and then you realise that some of those things really aren't such a big deal.
The pic with her sock in her mouth is too cute!
The food encrusted on her head...oh man, that's funny!
That was funny. I swear, you have the prettiest baby girl.
Came over from Mama Kat's and completely relate being a first time momma to a one year old baby boy! My son, also has an affliction for putting socks in his mouth and I agree with the mentality if he's happy playing with it and it keeps him occupied it's fine by me :) Nice to see another laid back first time mom - nice post!
Hey - came by from Mama Kat and being a first time mom to one year old little boy I completely relate. My son shares your daughters love for putting dirty socks in his mouth and has now picked up the habit of licking the bottom of his shoe (builds his immunity, right?) Nice to see another laid back first time mom - great post!
Love this! The photo of her reaching for the cake is so funny -- such intensity, focus and concentration. She KNOWS good stuff when she sees it.
And yes ... the old chewing on jalapenos to reduce teething pain is effective. The focus goes right from teething pain to a burning pain unlike they have ever felt in just a few chomps. Plus a lifelong fear of peppers and the colors red, green yellow and orange.
And licking rocks -- delish!
awww. what a cutie! i've loosened up and let my son do a lot of those things too. i don't know why they like to put dirty socks in their mouths though. seems kinda gross to me!
You are so right!!!
I have three boys... dirt is our friend!!!
I'm a first time mommy also. In the beginning I was so uptight. Now I've let a lot of things go. It's just easier for everyone involved!
Stopped by from SITS. Have a happy day!
She's adorable! I'd probably let her get away with murder too!
I am guilty too! Sometimes I don't even make mine eat dinner before we move on to dessert!
haha! So true. My husband still gets so worked up over some things and I try and tell him it's fine. You can't control everything.
I'm going to follow you now after this post. It made me giggle! I'm a first time Mom too! Right now, my daughter is unsticking all the post it notes and putting them everywhere.. and I get to blog surf for 15 :) Thanks for being so laid back!
Super cute pictures! lol The things they want to do at that age! Just wait until she's a toddler!
I am just recovering from surgery and I almost blew a stitch laughing when I saw the food in the hair picture!
I will say I LOVE this post. So many of us struggle to do the "right" thing. To be the "perfect" parent. I am guilty of all those things and more. And proud of it!
And this is why I like you so much!
Hahahahaha......let her play in traffic......very funny post!
If you think that sock is dirty, then baby you don't want to see my boys' dirty socks! Surely you wouldn't let her chomp on those...ha!
It's funny how the longer you're a mom, the more laid back you become. Great post!
That sock pic is adorable! Uh. Play in traffic? Not on the freeway I hope!
LOL, kaylee's expression in the picture with the dessert is priceless :)
That's why I love you. I do the same things with Maggie in front of you and you don't even bat an eye at it! We are REAL MOM'S!!!
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