Not a fan of the SECOND set of cabinet locks I've bought. These stupid locks are so much of a pain that they can usually be found either on the floor or the counter because I, a grown adult, am incapable giving birth but I cannot, for the life of me, open this STUPID frickin' cabinet lock without uttering at least one bad word.
Cabinet locks are supposed to be CHILD proof not MOTHER proof. What is my problem?!
Anyway, at this stage in Kaylee's life child proofing is so essential because no matter how well you think you've put all the non-baby stuff up, she manages to get her Cheerio sogged hands on everything she shouldn't.
She is at the point when she knows she's up to know good. For instance, if she gets a hold of something she shouldn't have and we give her The Look, she'll quickly smile and hand us whatever it is as if it is a gift given to us straight from her sweet little heart.
Sneaky kid.
So, I'm getting her diaper bag all ready for today's much-needed mother/daughter bonding day, and I look down to see this. And no - she has not removed the lock. She's trying to put in on.

14 comments:!!!! They're very smart and clever!!!!!
My Wordful this week is all about the birds and bees...errrr, um....maybe birds and cats. Is it Superman in the sky? Come find out. cute!
What a sweet little helper she is!!
Kids are so sneaky! Now, when she can start changing her own diapers you'll have it made!
Happy Wordful Wednesday!
Those locks are the WORST! I bought them and ended up getting different ones because I couldn't get into the snack cabinet fast enough! If you open and close them really fast about 6 million times, they loosen up and are a bit easier. Good luck!
My youngest broke the toilet once...almost pulled it clear out of the floor...trying to pull off one of those potty locks!
Each one of my girls has showed me where I need to child proof. Not matter how hard I tried they always found a spot I missed.
She is soo gonna be a handful! lol. Speacking of childproofing. Check out my wordless wed post on the outlet plugs/covers.
What a smartie girl!!! By the way, we have those locks and they are daddy proof too! :)
Now that's least she's helping! :)
I can offer no advice... I, too, have a kid that could get into any baby lock, while I, the Mom, could not. Go figure... Ahhhhh!
Hey you're one step ahead of me...three kids and countless daycare kids later I never even BOUGHT the childproof stuff...and oh how I should have!
That little bugger! We got some pretty good locks (a pain to install but they work good) that use little magnet things to open them up -- works for mom and you just have to keep the magnet opener away from the kid!
I think Noelle and Kaylee must have some kind of secret society they belong to together, one that is encouraging them to be naughty. Sheesh. Noelle is doing exactly the same thing right now, except when I give her The Look, she grins or laughs and just goes right back to destroying whatever she has in her little paws. It's all a game to her. Oy.
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